
in theory there is a pool at the compound. right now we only use it to breed mosquitos. it’s also full of little green surf dudes.

Blutsauger, Räuber und angewandte Physik

Montag, 1. August 2004 Blutsauger, Räuber und angewandte Physik Wir ham das ganze Wochenende gebuddelt wie verrückt und habens wirklich geschafft komplett in die neue Wohnung umzusiedeln. Totaler Sieg auf allen Fronten. Der grösste Durchbruch waren die superdünnen Vorhänge von Ikea die wir zerschnitten und als Moskitonetze mit der Klammerlmaschine an die Fensterrahmen gehämmert haben.… Continue reading Blutsauger, Räuber und angewandte Physik


One of the best things about being with Ale is that she really cracks me up. Right now she is pacing the house with her brand new fly-clap, much more efficient than the old kitchen towel, mercilessly hunting down mosquitos, her arch-enemies. While doing that she is holding a monologue for several minutes, expanding in… Continue reading cloudland

Early start for) The longest day.

Today we had the ‘conference’ on globalization. Of course I couldnÄt understand a single word all day, what unsufferable boredom. More significantly I found out that people here have a liking for conspiracy theories and Ayman as a disliking of Jews. So cautioning him about making alliances with Hezbollah didn’t work out too well. In… Continue reading Early start for) The longest day.

back to work

This morning Raimon picked us up from Ayman’s house in Ehmesh and drove us to work. There everypne was running to fix stuff for the conference. Just not Mohammed who turned up at lunch time and then fucked off again at three, still faking heavy stomach cramps, guess I’b better not get excited about the… Continue reading back to work