There are several features available for browsing files. The most interesting one seems to be Filedepot.
Steps to enable the feature:
1. Install modules
Download and unzip feature: filedepot_feature
Add it to atrium_features
Download and unzip modules: filedopt, filefield
Enable modules and feature: /admin/build/modules
2. Fix .CSS files
In the filedepot feature: edit the filedepot_feature.css file and remove these 2 CSS declarations from the top of the page (cut, don't delete so you can keep the two lines of code in the clipboard).
#content { width:99% !important; }
#right { display:none; }
In filedepot module: add them to
In filedepot module: edite the fildepot.css in the CSS folder and add the 2 CSS to the top of the page.
These are needed for the Open Atrium implementation – but you can see the effect on filedepot without them. Adding these two declarations to the filedepot.css file in the module will sort this out and does not appear to effect filedepot layout in a non-openatrium (garland) site, so I will move them into the main module.
If the changes are not visible right away, runnung updata.php might help.
3. Enable feature
Check that feature is installed and enabled
Go to group, click on customize features
Enable filedepo_feature
Click'Save for (group)
Add some dummy content
Go to /group/fieldepot to check it is really there
4. Fix menu (if icon still does not show):
create a new menu item under the "Features" menu called "Documents"
with a path of "filedepot"
5. Fix uploader
The flash upload interface trigeers a login request from the server (ISA). Ahamd succesfully got around it by logging in, cancelling the upload and then tryin again. The files then show for the admin in a 'to be approved' queue within filedepot.
Also, there seems to be a problem with the flash plugin for Firefox. It crashed during upoading.
6. Permissions
Make sure all roles can add folders to fildepot (the button on the far left next to 'upload' button, did not show when logged in as manager)
7. Files are visbile for all groups that have the feature enabled
Permissioning nicely explained in this tutorial:
Files visible in all groups: Need to change the permissions so files are only visible for the groups where they were uploadedThis problem was mentioned by someone already in one of the discussion threads below. Not sure if it was fixed, though too though this did not work, but after a bit of systematic testing found that the permission structure does work, just probably not as expected.
Things to note:
- You must manually create a folder for each group that you wish to have a folder.
- You must manually set the permission on each folder so there is access for that group, and remove access via roles.
- If user A is a member of Group 1 and Group 2 then they can see the Group 1 and 2 folders from within Group 1 and from within Group 2.
I think this mode of opperation is counter intuitive and should be changed so that:
- When the file deopt feature is enabled for a group then a folder is created for that group (with the name of the group)
- When the group is renamed, so is the folder (This will require a mapping between filedepot CID to organic group GID mapping to be maintained – maybe in a drupal variable??)
- When the group is deleted, so is the group folder
- The folder which is created should automatically have the permissions for the group applied to it as per the defaults (an admin interface would need to be added so that defaults could be set).
- Each groups folder should only be visible from within the group.
8. Direct download link for files
9. Filedepot upload button gone in IE (did this happen to anyone else?)
Possible cause for problem is write perissions of appache:
"I have a weird situation on my OA installation: suddenly, the "Choose File" button on any edit/create form for the content types that have attachments enabled has disappeared. The section "Attach files to this " is there, the text about allowed file extensions is there also, but the button is gone. I have not changed anything on "Upload" module, the permissions are fine, and I can't correlate this to anything that I have done, so I am perplexed. Does anyone have any experience like this? Any help will be highly appreciated"
Related discussions here: