“ into the Link URL field in the Insert/edit link dialog box, insert a “mailto:” link. That is, “mailto:” plus your email address. For example, “mailto:name@example.com” How to Make an Email Link vs. Using a Contact Form
Comments box not available in IE
In internet explorer the comments box is not available, cannot put in text. The same feature works in Firefox and Chrome, independent of the WYSIWYG module being enabled.
Email notifications
For the site to process notifications of updates the email queue needs to be emptied out. This is usually done by setting up cron jobs. An alternative to cron jobs is poormanscron, a module that emulates cron using a Java script. Additionally, make sure to tick the box: "notofy poster of own posts' and disabel… Continue reading Email notifications
Hiding posts on the WordPress blog
Recently it was pointed out that the blog displayed old vacancies under the catgeory tab jobs: http://icardablog.wordpress.com/category/jobs/ WordPress does not offer a feature to simply 'unpublish' posts, however there are many plugins that can achieve that effect.We don't want to simplky delete old posts, but need to archivew them. The simple and dirty solution is to… Continue reading Hiding posts on the WordPress blog
From development to production environement
A typical website desing process happens on several machines in parallel, particularly when multiple developers are involved. We are not yet following best practices in all these areas and should improve the overall workflow. Particularly drupal featurees module would make versioning and reusing of the code much less time consuming. Developing environment: every developer has… Continue reading From development to production environement