
Here is a write-up of an OG sub-groups module implementation in Open Atrium

Conference website for Yellow Rust Symposium

BIGM need a conference website for the upcoming Yellow Rust Symposium, taking place at ICARDA 18-20 April, s. announcement for more detail. In a meeting with Dr Nazari on 25 Jan the following requirements were identified: Features Announcements Registration Document repository Content (to be provided by Dr Nazari): Program Key Note Speakers: bios / Presentations… Continue reading Conference website for Yellow Rust Symposium

Categorized as General

Filedepot: adding a document repository feature to Open Atrium

There are several features available for browsing files. The most interesting one seems to be Filedepot. Steps to enable the feature: 1. Install modules Download and unzip feature: filedepot_feature Add it to atrium_features Download and unzip modules: filedopt, filefield Enable modules and feature: /admin/build/modules 2. Fix .CSS files In the filedepot feature: edit the filedepot_feature.css… Continue reading Filedepot: adding a document repository feature to Open Atrium